Do I need an appointment to try on wedding gowns at Gentle in White (GIW)?
Yes, appointments are required! To receive personalised attention and service at your try-on with us, kindly schedule an appointment with us here. Unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate walk-ins at the GIW studio.
How many gowns can I try on during my first appointment?
For your first GIW appointment, while we do not limit the number of gowns you can try on, our recommendation is 5 to 7 gowns to ensure you have a truly enjoyable experience. Our stylists will assist you in exploring different styles to find gowns that suit you best. The exact number of gowns may vary based on your preferences and consultation time.
What is the price range for your bridal gown rentals?
Our gown rentals are tiered from $1,500 and up, inclusive of basic alterations and dry-cleaning. Decisive brides can enjoy our same-day promotion of $250 off their first gown booking, and discounts on subsequent gown bookings ($500 off for AD, $600 off for PWS).
What is included in my gown rental?
Each GIW gown rental rate includes veil rental, alterations, and dry-cleaning, with no hidden costs. A security deposit is required upon collection, and will be refunded upon the gown's satisfactory return.
Can I make changes to my gown choice if I change my mind? How far in advance should I confirm my gown before the wedding?
Yes, our stylists will advise on a recommended timeline based on your date. Gown finalisation must be done no later than two months before your AD / PWS.
Can I bring guests with me to my GIW bridal appointment?
Yes, up to 3 guests may accompany you to your appointment with us.
What is the process for gown fittings and alterations?
Upon confirmation and soft-booking of your GIW gown(s), our stylists will provide you with guidance on your alterations and fitting schedule, as this is highly dependent on your unique wedding timeline.
How long is the rental period for my gown?
The rental period for GIW gowns booked for ADs is up to 5 consecutive days, including the day of collection and the day of return. For PWS bookings, the rental period is up to 3 consecutive days.
What do I need to bring to my try-on appointment and gown fitting?
Do wear skin-coloured undergarments and stick-on bra cups (if needed) that you plan to wear for your AD / PWS. If you have photo references of your preferred styles before your first appointment, do share them with our stylists so they can best assist you during your GIW appointment.
For subsequent gown fittings, wear your planned actual undergarments and footwear for accurate fitting, and any accessories or jewelry you plan to coordinate with your gown(s) for the optimal experience!